Our Workshops

These workshops are an amazing way to learn a short AYM sequence to offer to family and friends, understand your own body more, and you also receive the sequence as part of the workshop! Offering AYM is also good for your own body and mind. We move gently, focus on the present moment, on our breath and on feelings of loving kindness. So, at the end we feel the benefits from an easy yoga session combined with a loving kindness meditation. The workshops are also a brilliant way to dip your toes into the technique and see if a longer training might be for you! 

Here's what you'll get:

  • One 4-hour in person workshop 
  • Access to our online learning space
  • AYM Introductory manual (PDF)
  • Video technique  tutorials from the day
  • Follow up resources 
  • CPD certificate on request


Assistant Teacher Vikki Atherton

Vikki is an Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) practitioner and Yoga teacher. Having practised yoga for well over ten years, she decided to undertake her yoga teacher training in 2017, leaving a longstanding career in the frenetic corporate world behind her. Her journey into AYM began shortly after this undertaking her training in 2019. When receiving her first treatment from Despina, she discovered this eased not only her anxiety & trauma at that particular time but through the assisted stretches, mobilisations combined with yoga practice, also increased her endurance for marathon running and other sporting activities/movement. Yoga and massage are some of the things that have helped her to slow down, practice self care and regain balance in her life. In the Summer of 2023, she was one Despina's first and small number of therapists trained and permitted to teach AYM workshops. Vikki loves all things yoga and massage related because as she puts it, simply “we never stop learning”. She has also recently completed further courses in anatomy & physiology, meditation and aromatherapy, and everything she learns informs her AYM treatments.