Module 4 can be taken as a separate training providing you have completed modules 1-2, or as part of the year-long training.

Here's what you'll get:

12 in person class contact hours (see syllabus below), 12 months access to our online module 3 technique videos, module 3 course manual inserts, 12 Months access to technique videos, certificate, unlimited access to online mentorship, available through a group chat and weekly group video calls throughout the course, so you can  ask questions and get motivation and support.


Module 4: Posterior and lateral sides of the legs

Here we start addressing some very common issues to do with the hips and knees mainly, but also all common leg injuries, patterns and pathologies. We learn to work on the legs from a prone position, including the all-important Ayurvedic Yoga Massage technique where we walk on client’s legs (when appropriate). We cover warming up massage, deeper massage, stretches and mobilisations of the legs.

These techniques are wonderful to use on their own as a complete treatment with a focus on the legs and feet. Or they can be intergrated into a full body treatment.

How clients will benefit: we cover some relaxing techniques, and also some deep, remedial work. So we can help clients relax into treatments, and we can also help with leg pains including knee, ankle and foot pains. Working on the back and lateral side of the legs, and the leg and hip stretches that we learn can also help significantly with most kinds of back pains. A lot of people suffer with loss of sensation in the legs, and feel their legs constantly tense. Hence many clients initially think that they don’t like leg massage – until they try Ayurvedic Yoga Massage! The deep work with the large surface area of the feet and the stretches, as an addition to the deep massage can feel life changing to receive. People say that they feel lighter on their feet after AYM leg work. The work on the legs also helps significantly with blood circulation in the legs, particularly in clients with poor circulation.

Pricing and Purchase Options:

€390 per module. Discount available when purchasing module 1-5. Info & enroll: