Should we be unable to accept your purchase

Following the purchase of our workshop or trainings we will ask you to provide us some more detailed information. Following review, we may on occasion be unable to accept you onto our course. In instances such as these we will fully refund your purchase.

Should you be unable to attend a workshop

• If you cancel 4 weeks before the day of your workshop, we will refund your purchase minus a £10 processing fee.
• If you cancel 1-3 weeks before the day of your workshop fees are not refundable however, we will move your booking to a future workshop for a £10 processing fee if you wish.
• If you cancel 7 days or less before the date of your workshop or are unable to attend for any reason on the day, fees are not refundable.

In the unlikely event that we need to cancel or reschedule the event you will be offered a full refund, and if possible also the option to transfer your booking to a future workshop.

Should you decide against or are unable to attend our training


Deposits are not refundable, apart from the unlikely event that we need to cancel or reschedule your training. However, if you cancel your booking, we may be able to transfer a proportion of your deposit to a future training of your choice, within a year of your initial booking

Transfer to a future training

• If you transfer 4 weeks before the start of your training, we can transfer everything you have paid to a future training, minus £120 administration fee.
• If you transfer 2-4 weeks before the start of your training, we will transfer everything you have paid to a future training, minus £300 late transfer administration fee.
• If you transfer nearer the time, we may allow you to transfer your deposit if you are on a low income, or there is an unavoidable reason for the cancellation, such as bereavement, serious illness or injury.

Course Fees

We might make exceptions to our cancellation policy in the case of serious illness, bereavement or natural disaster.

Inclusivity for low income students

It is very important to us that AYM remains accessible and inclusive. By attending the training you will develop a highly valued skill, and you should be able to earn back your costs very quickly. However, if you don’t intend to offer at least one session per week after completion of the course, then perhaps this training isn’t right for you.

We understand you might not be able to pay for the training in advance if you are on a low income. In some cases we can agree on a small deposit, followed by a payment plan to help you afford the training. You will then have a strong incentive to start practising following completion of your course, and we can also help you with publicity. Rest assured, you will be supported and highly valued after finishing your training.

Payment Plans

Concession Rates

Concessions are available for anyone who is on benefits, from a disadvantaged socioeconomic background, a refugee, a full-time student on a low income or facing financial difficulties for a different reason at the moment. If you are applying for a concession rate for a different reason other than those stated above then please expand upon this when completing your application form.